Friday, August 31, 2012

You won't see the Chinese coming. They are hidden in Cruise ships.

We'll tax the way you eat?

Campaign donations by text.

Texting for aid worked so well, now campaigns are going to accept bu text.

World War III set to start with drone dropping nuclear bomb

Government approves the article in your paper. No more independent news.

Maple Syrup Reserve. Thanks to US and Canada agreement.

Canada has agreed that they will send the US a certain amount of Maple syrup. So now they have a reserve to ensure the numbers are met.

Court ruling that NSA spying violated 4th Amendment remains secret

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fake Mars mission makes video for Adam to convince us of actual Mars landing.

I love the cloud shapes at the end. Not at all like normal landing gear.

The way forward for the US.

Break down of contributors of campaigns.

We are saved Hundreds of Al-Queda killed by British SAS.

Another attack on Gas manufacturing.

Another attack on Gas manufacturing.

1 more camera for disaster areas

Apple rejects app to track drones.

If you riot against the government and someone gets killed you are to blame.

Is police brutality a way for Homeland security to take over the police forces?UPDATED

Another add-on story

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mexico border patrolled by drones

ACLU wants to stop government snooping of number plates.

Natural Gas price hikes are ready. Government to buy CNG cars to use Natural Gas.

US government has override for your car.

French Government makes everyone buy their own Breathalyzer. Expect this here. Too many people are not responsible enough.

Clinton Telling China and Japan, it's our sea and oil.

Moan gets busted for smoking weed on camera.

Virus is California?

US Military to stop Suicides. You can't leave even if you wanted to.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

PSYOPS Killed Tony Scott (Top Gun Director). Told him he had brain tumor.

Let the fires Burn

How media really works by Gas Fracking fanatic.

This is how the media works. I said it. So it must be true

Chinese going nut! Walnuts. Watch out for the big Walnut bust of 2013.

The bust of walnut investments is just around the corner, I can tell.

WWIII is getting closer. US interfering with Japan/China dispute.

How China Views US.

Sub Saharan Africa to be on China's Side if WWIII breaks out.

More evidence that the Olympics is rigged.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Drones now able to deploy super bugs and assassinate with toxins.

Is this part of a deal for Gas and Oil from the leviathan Gas fields?

Israel could not stop a bomb from Iran.

Ultralights must go?

No Agenda has discussed the foiled plan of terrorists to use an ultralight or small flying Gliders in a plot on the Olympics.  Now the Ultralights are under attach for Cocaine.

It must be that they are hard to spot by US intelligence.

DHS part of porn and drug smuggling ring.

Where they framed?

We don't know why Afghan troops are killing us?

Maybe because you are invaders in their country?

Darpa wants to know how to make us cyborgs.

US Russia get cozy. Russian visit Norad??

Fire proof face paint.

We are under attack.Watch out for the Pipes.

Aramaco was hit by hackers

US bid to get Saudis to buy more PCs?

Mars landing a set.

I agree with Adam Curry. The Mars landing is on a set. The photos are so bad. Why can't we get better photos?

Monster and Gator Aide sponsor Study?

A new study show High Energy drinks are good for your heart.

Overhaul the internet.

Breast examinations to be more hands on.

ATT your using our spectrum. Get back on your own band.

Project save the Power grid.

Again with the attack on the power grid.

The solution. make you own power with the Bloom generator, solar panels and wind.

Give us access to your Internets and then pay for our usage.

Insurance Companies know when you go across the border. New fees to come.

We got your Minerals now!

Immune Deficiency problem. Is it caused by common FDA approved drugs?

BIOS to be uniform. Expect more viruses and no privacy.

This seems more like an act to control access to your system and then be able to recreate your PC data. This is bad news. I believe we should have more BIOS makes and less standards. Making it harder for hackers.

Take you vaccines everyone. Don't ask questions.

Obey the laws slave for Emergencies.

This cars engine was stuck wide open and would not switch off. A test of Onstar perhaps? Assassination attempt?

Here is the original article

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

US trying to control power plants still with viruses.

If you don't Sharia law, you must be far right.

Zambia and China oil discussion

China to meet with President Bashar al-Assad.

Walmart to sell in China.

Hollywood budging into China.

These are fighting words for Space battle. 1961 again?

Future of food production.

No more oil in Arctic??

So the war with Russia over the Arctic has died down according the Wired.

Deaths down in Afghanistan, still 3 times higher than '08.

History of Drones in Afirca

El Chapo is in the cross hairs for CIA

How the elite charge you for all their perks.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh Really. NSA can't hack iOS?

So they must already have a back door.

Syrian plane shot down, US more heavily involved?

Mutant Butterfly and new disease linked to Fukashima?

Disney wants us to know they cloned Obama

Disney has shown us they can create robot clones.

Anti-Bacterial soap bad for you.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Internet is ours. UN keep your hands off.

So the house of representatives is trying to stop enactment of the UN Internet treaty.

FBI Watching Kim Dot om and secret group?

Companies are not going to pay for your work tablet phone and PC.

You watch. In the near future companies are not going to pay for your work computer, phone or tablet. You will need to bring it. Will this mean that if you can't afford a PC, or have an old PC that no one will hire you?

The video scourge of You Tube DMA claims.

So this was an interesting piece. NASA lost it's own video, due to a claim for copyright infringement. Free Speech, I THINK NOT!

This happens to so many people who get to close to the truth and someone put a copyright request up for the YouTube video of the NASA Curiosity landing. Proves the system is useless and needs a complete overhaul.

Proof that Federal Courts are in the pocket of the Illuminati.

I think the earth has shifted, so Northern states are getting the Texas weather, while TX and Southern states are getting Mexico weather.

So Mexico and south of the border has always been extremely hot. What if the Earth weather patterns have shifted North. So the weather that would be over Texas in now in Northern states.

Here is and article with some NOA data showing avg temps

Is gaming going away?

So Steam is moving into selling other software through it's steam platform. Is this a sign of less gaming?

FAA Chief says unmanned aerial systems coming to airspace within 3 years.

So on No Agenda, there is an ongoing discussion about airplanes being pilot-less. Now the FAA says we are less than 3 years away. Get out your pitch forks. I want a Pilot.

Teleporting getting closer to reality.

I have always wanted to just arrive at my vacation spot. Get in a teleporter and then be there. Well these scientists in China are getting closer to making this happen.

Germany to Europe and Murkel. You have maxed out your credit card your limit.

How to limit free speech, Europe style

So the EU is wanting to take down Terrorist sites. But who is a terrorist. You, me? If we don't like the way the government is headed then we can be labeled terrorists.

Here is the article on ArsTechnica.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Smile slaves or we will arrest you and throw you in jail

This piece reminds me why I left Gitmo Nation East 10 years ago.

Clinton getting her grind on ewwwwwww.

State of Emergency due to West Nile disease.

So they are spraying Dallas for West Nile and people have been told to keep off the streets at night when they spray. What other op is going on, or am I too judgemental of government?

Is west Nile spraying also about killing off self sustaining farms and bees?

So the spray in Dallas for west Nile is killing bees.

Person of interest becoming a reality. Or has it been around for 10 years?

Are these blimps really to survail the us people(updated)

Another article with video to scare you

Trend still to use prisoner Resources as the current resources are too expensive.

So this article shows how we are all going to be put in prison and then sold back to the companies we were working for at 1/1000th of the price. The worst part who is subsidizing this? You and me with tax dollars. Wake up people.

Why packing a gun is a good thing

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

No more Internet weapon sales meme.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Very good explanation for isolate and controlled internet

Hollywood movie helo?

Gas is important because we have the greenest Gas power plants.

Pieces fitting together for Gas line deal

On No Agenda, they always talk about how the gas pipelines are so important now that nuclear is off the table. E.On has reported record profits after a gas deal with Russia.

Obama Considering forcing Cyber Bill as Executive order.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Senators now leaking information as well

Israel, the next big Oil and Gas country

Thanks to No Agenda, my eyes are opened on the attempt to get in with Israel as they have the Liveriathon oil and Gas field of their coast.

This trip by Romney was to get their blessing and point out that he will give them better vig(Rates) for the gas than Obama camp. So to vote him into power.

Fast & Furious is the fault of top ATF officials

Show me the money. Dog car seat boom market for 2012 in New Jersey

New Jersey now requires your dog to wear a seat belt/harness.

Do these seat belts protect your dog. Where are the safety tests. Where are the tests we get for kids. These are next questions coming and a dog restraint will go from $25 - $50 - $1000 in a few years.

Great tax scheme NJ.
Dog lovers to the world.

Someone is very opinionated on Electricity.

This ex EPA administrator vows to continue to fight coal and Fracking GAS.

The first number of dead will stay with you for every. Easier to get you upset.

1st I want to say how sorry I am that the Sikh community has been hurt. They are not Muslims and are a genuine and peaceful people. My prayers go out to you and your families.

That said the press is pushing the casualties higher and higher. Some reporters claimed as many as 20 or 30 injured/dead.So the actual number seems to be 1 or 2 dead and many injured.

This is a scare tactic and the press knows that this will spread through the gossip network. We can't let so many people die. The truth is that there are very few who died. It is hard to justify gun laws when more aren't killed.

Interesting piece from

Hillary got the message across to Egypt. Play nice or else.

So the trip by Hillary works. The Hamas leader of Egypt has reached out a hand to Israel. I can just hear her now. Send the letter or else we will rain down hell fire missiles on you, or something similar. Then you can deny you sent it for you loyal followers.

Iran wants to quit internet. Good luck

More push from US to tighten Intellectual Property laws.

The ultimate zombie addition for your M16.

Software coding for the Apollo mission

Ukraine in with the US. What deal has been struck?

So the Ukraine has taken down Demonoid servers for the US. What did the US do for them?

Chemotherapy can make cancer cells growth worse.

Gas coallition is close to getting Syria

EU has always told member states what to do. Germany says FU.

Interesting article on Food and land buying in Africa by China

You can't have sex slaves if your in Africa.

The US is going after China for having a sex slaves practice in China. They even mention the growing interest in Fuel and resources.
Quote from China Ditigal Times,
"The United States is increasingly concerned about China’s growing interest in Africa, the result of its massive demand for energy and natural resources to fuel its exploding economy. U.S. officials, including Clinton, have in the past expressed deep reservations about China’s practice of setting up huge infrastructure or other building projects, employing only Chinese workers and ignoring human rights and democratic principles."

Human rights from US to China. Don't look at us look as China.

I wonder if this happens in the US?

 I think so, why don't we call people out?

This is a great Article. Challenges China faces for the next 5 - 10 years.

Is this a plan to try and raise corn prices?

There are no nukes plans in Iran. They have deserted their bases.

This could be a good idea.

So the army is trying to get drones to make people runs. I guess it saves any additional injuries. Nice to know the government does care.

Cynical me. A pilot will make every effort to pick up a wounded soldier. However a drone can decide not to pick up the person if their stats are not good enough. Save money not person. Every soldier is worth any effort to save their life.

More job for Department of Defense. Overspending.

This article points out how Congress has spent money on more drone the military doesn't want. I think this is to have more jobs for people out of work. 100 plus people required for these drones.

Censoring of free speech.

I got this from the Chinese Digital Times. Chinese officials pay RMB 450,000 for meals. This is high.

Do not reprint, report or comment on the Internet rumor concerning the RMB 450,000 meal for 15 Olympic officials in 

Censorship of media in China.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Which line do you draw on Privacy?

Are we being prepared for a major event?

So there are a number of post recently to carry some medical help information on you etc. What is with the posts?

& this one

China being accuse of being pushy. Claims US is trying to claim islands (Gas rights)

"Why does the U.S. turn a blind eye to the facts that certain countries opened a number of and gas blocks, and issued domestic laws illegally appropriating Chinese islands and waters? Why does the U.S. avoid talking about the threats of military vessels to Chinese fishermen by certain countries and their unjustified claims of sovereignty rights over Chinese islands? And why do they choose to abruptly express concerns on and fiddle with the issue at a moment when regional countries are enhancing communication and dialogue and trying to solve the disputes and calm the situation? Qin asked." from the China Digital Times.

No Agenda sets the trend for News.

The No Agenda show have been using a value for value model for years. You pay for what you listen to. No adds real news. Now there is talk that papers should only be funded by it's subscribers.

More security coming to phones, privacy advocates cheer.

Cable companies loosing subscribes by the dozen.

The cable and satellite TV business is in trouble. This article points out the move to other providers, but the numbers point out that most people are just giving up on cable. Is TV dead? I don't thinks so. I have been asked by many friends how to hook up over the air TV and this seems to be a trend. Other people are watching You tube and Hulu. So TV will still be strong.

Are breast cancer screening necessary

Interesting article today. Claims most woman are pressured into breast scan.

Is there ever going to be a water car?

Pakistan person claims to have a water car again

Friday, August 3, 2012

Is this China Spying on us using cheaper router products.

This was an interesting take away from Defcon. IN the past there have been several people worried about Huawei devices as they may not be secure. One person decided to find out if this was true and he is right. Is this a plan by China to get more information.

I would recommend that if Huawei wants greater acceptance they secure up their routers.

original post on c-net

Syria Stories hyped up by fake blogs

Show for the public,, or the internet is ours.

Also here is the article referenced in the site for you Adam Curry

Run fight and Hide Call Police. Or get out your gun and shoot back.

How to avoid and office shooting. Prepared in Houston.
Also in Houston I saw a Homeland security car patrolling. So it may be a possible takeover of the federal police. Interesting.

The new will not scan your emails to display ads

Good to know. However will they allow Facebook to index your emails. You know that Microsoft and Facebook are thick as thieves.

Interesting. However will it push out small company law suits.

I have mixed feelings on this topic. This bill is supposed to limit frivolous suits. However it seems to be based on whather you can win. Will this mean we will not be able to create something and then defend it. Watch this space. I will try and ad the bill text itself when it is available.

Here is the wording from the bill session
H.R. 6245. A bill to amend chapter 29 of title 35, United States Code, to provide for the recovery of computer hardware and software patent litigation costs in cases where the court finds the claimant did not have a reasonable likelihood of succeeding, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Isn't this the whole purpose of a court. Don't we have the right to a trial with 12 of our piers.

So the governments wants you to know they can see through walls.

Another report on medals determination.

So this article tells you about how the scientist predict the gold medal scores. I think it is all rigged, but this is an interesting piece.

How the Elite with get away with Murderin China, US next?

If you are a high ranging official or rich enough you can pay for someone to do the prison time for you.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Someone is looking to limit Drone Data collection.

ChickFila Gay bashing all a marketing gimmick.

As they always say on No Agenda. Most topics on the news are related to marketing. The latest pieces on ChickFila and their stance on gay marage. It was all a marketing ploy and it worked.

ChickFila owner is claiming highest ever sales

TSA should be holding hearings on back scatter machines.

Interesting article on how the TSA should be holding hearings for the back scatter.

More people need Food stamps because the government takes their money.

So I know that poor people need food stamps. This interesting article shows how more families need to get food stamps to claim back money you already earned and paid to the IRS. Exactly as the government wants it. They know how you should spend you money better than you don't you know.