Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The BBC Is Testing Facial Recognition to Gauge Viewer Response

The designer of the F-16 explains why the F-35 is such a crappy plane

ISIS: Iraq KILLS the INTERNET: VPNs, social media and chat apps blocked by government

Patsy offered up Captured key Benghazi suspect will face U.S. criminal courts

Email Self-Defense - a guide to fighting surveillance with GnuPG encryption

World Cup protests- Police fire live rounds?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Save the children run and hide.

Matt Damon spurts off a bunch of facts?

Bottled water is the marketing trick of the century

Bureaucratic mess: 3,000 agencies leave California water system in disarray

‘State Dept aspires to be news agency packaging propaganda messages’

US insists going after reporters who publish leaked info 'not violation of press freedom'

Harvard-Backed Experfy Aims to Disrupt the Big Data Consulting Industry

Monday, March 31, 2014

Malaysian plane: 20 passengers worked for ELECTRONIC WARFARE and MILITARY RADAR firm

He went off script. Kathleen Sebelius May Never Live Down Her Response to Reporter After He Told Her How Unpopular Obamacare Is in Oklahoma

Tax the Childless. What a terrible idea.

So this article is terrible. Why should I pay for someone else's children. They chose to have the children. I have manage to not have children with my wife.

I have provided several advantages, I still pay your school taxes. I still pay for your welfare etc. So why should I have to pay more when you can't use a condom or the pill?

This is socialism at it's worst.

I am happy to donate my income to help schools etc, but I want to decide how it is spent. If you have the income the IRS will take your money.Send a check of all the disposable income to the IRS and they will be happy to accept it.

I don't want to be misunderstood. I object to being told how to spend my moeny, or being robbed by people in the name of good. I should have the final say which children or parents in need get my help. Several children and parents are bratty and terrible. Why should everyone have to pay their way.

While I was in the UK, there was a family where 1 mother had 6 children all 2 years apart. In the UK, you get child income benefit to help. If you are a single parent then you get a house and food for 2 years. So this mother simply had another kid every two years. So now there are 6 children out of wedlock, so 1 mother can support herself on someone else's dime. She did not support the kids, she did not get a job, she just lived off the checks. Then her oldest daughter, had her first kid at about 16. How is this helping anyone.

So your idea while in your context is great, in other contexts is terrible. I would recommend that you donate your income to a family you know who is struggling. You can have a direct input in someones life.

For example my mother-in-law has helped a family in the over the Rhine area get clothes and schooling supplies. She has also organized for several people to help them go to camps. This method allows individuals to know the circumstances and not help abusive parents or drug using parents who want to use the kids for the extra income.

Prison advocate movie, or true about conditioning of students as prisoners.

Protester interrupts BBC to warn of international paedophile rings

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Gas shortage frustrates local motorists in Florida

George Soros says EU may not survive crisis 'tragedy'

Deadly clashes in east Ukraine ahead of Crimea vote

Ukrainian military repels attempted Russian incursion-Ministry

RTL Z interviews economist James Rickards: the monetary system will collapse

It's BANKS v TELCOs: Mobe payments systems go head-to-head

Canadian military man found naked and covered in blood near where police located stabbed Russian diplomat

Russia Fires Economic Attack, Dumps U.S. Debt Advertisement "Crimea Vote Will Not Be Recognized By U.S., or the International Community."


Photo: Russia deploys armed jets in response to NATO fighters in Poland???

EU Parliament rubber-stamps 'irreversible' data protection reforms

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ukraine's president: Putin's dream of 'neo-Soviet imperialism' is dead

Corporate fraud is still shockingly common. Here's how to stop it.

Pope Francis could become the first pontiff ever to address Congress

White House Reportedly Withholding Thousands of Documents From Senate’s CIA Probe


Hacked Email from U.S. Army Attache in Ukraine - For False Flags to occur so U.S. can take military action against Russia

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ottawa: Where’s All the Canadian Erotica / Porn?????

What is with this CANADA porn meme??????????????

Sheryl Sandberg Teams Up With Beyonce to Ban 'Bossy'

US government wants to use machines to constantly monitor up to 5 million employees

Eric Holder says heroin overdoses are 'an urgent and growing public health crisis'

With all the sinkhole stories is the next major even a sink hole in a major US city?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Blackwater in Donetsk, Ukraine

Anonymous hackers uncover alleged proof of MtGox fraud from site’s CEO

Intersting thoery on Gazprom
“First was the attack against Russian Gazprom in Cyprus. It was a hidden attack made to look like a bank confiscation event. Notice no bank account confiscations outside the small but important island nation. The entire Russian banking clearance system had been done through Cyprus. Also, Russia was making significant transactions to purchase Gold bullion using Cyprus as clearing house for the purchases. Second was the attack against Russian Gazprom in Syria, another complicated event. The US had used the Libyan Embassy as a weapons running facility (major diplomatic violation), after which the US lost Egypt as a transfer station on the weapons running.
“The false flag attack in Syria was made to look like a chemical weapons event. However, the Saudis were the guilty party. The motive by the US was to block the advance of Russian Gazprom pipelines, which are to connect to the vast Iran supply centers. Iran has far more oil & gas than Iraq. In fact, Iran is the linchpin nation, which will throw its support toward Russia. Iran will push the Nat Gas Coop certain to eclipse Saudi Arabia and the loud gaggle of OPEC members. With the Russian Gazprom, together Iran and the Nat Gas Coop will usher in the Petro-Yuan Standard and bury the Petro-Dollar, the price set by Russia, the contracts set in Shanghai. Thus the Saudis will be expendable, and their Gold in London to be totally stolen.
“Move to the present. Third was the attack against Russia Gazprom in Ukraine, done by the CIA and its partner security agents from the small ally nation on the South East Med corner. The old game of destabilization, popular uprising, bank thefts, and now data files stolen has been put into action. The theft of significant funds in Ukraine has only started, funds gone to Swiss banks. The full betrayal will be seen soon. The US & UK have a lunatic plan to corral the Ukraine pipelines and possibly the vast farmlands of Ukraine.
“The wrong-footed plan will backfire, when Putin cuts off the natgas supply to Europe, when Putin demands a new type of energy supply payment structure, and when Putin engineers certain other steps. They might execute a Nat Gas Coop double in price, much like the OPEC event in 1973. Witness the upcoming Birth of the Eurasian Trade Zone, the birth pangs heard in Ukraine. The United States and Great Britain will not be included. The Eurasian Trade Zone will span 14 time zones and will settle in gold.”

ANTI-PUTIN Rally in Moscow, Russia;

Feinstein Ethics Violations

Why weren't we ever told this? Why do I have to go to some obscure conspiracy forum to learn these things??????
Google 'Feinstein Ethics Violations'

Diane Feinstein ran unsuccessfully for mayor of San Francisco and lost twice - once in 1971 and again in 1975.
Dianne Feinstein knew Dan White who murdered the Mayor of San Francisco, George Moscone (and his assistant Harvey Milk).
Dianne Feinstein and Dan White were both on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and shared political views.
Conveniently, Dianne Feinstein, as President of the Board of Supervisors, became mayor upon mayor Moscone's assassination.
Dan White got off on the "Twinkie" defense and was let out of jail scott free not long after assassinating the mayor and his assistant in cold blood.
The "Twinkie" defense was only used once, for him..
Dianne Feinstein quickly jumped from being mayor of San Francisto to the U.S. Senate and has been there ever since.
Amazingly, no one has ever questioned this very suspicious series of events.....

Dianne Feinstein, Opportunist

2014 Feinstein
Senator Feinstein to make $950 million and $1.1 billion on 'Back door' Deal

The US has entered into an exclusive contract with Feinsteins husbands real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, most of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country. The sale of these properties will fetch about $19 billion. 
A regular real estate commission will be paid to the company that was given the exclusive listing for handling the sales. 
That company is CBRE and it belongs to the Senators husband. The bidding process was bypassed.

2009 Feinstein
EXCLUSIVE: Senator’s husband’s firm cashes in on crisis
On the day the new Congress convened this year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband’s real estate firm a lucrative contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.
Mrs. Feinstein’s intervention on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was unusual: the California Democrat isn’t a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs with jurisdiction over FDIC; and the agency is supposed to operate from money it raises from bank-paid insurance payments - not direct federal dollars.
Documents reviewed by The Washington Times show Mrs. Feinstein first offered Oct. 30 to help the FDIC secure money for its effort to stem the rise of home foreclosures. Her letter was sent just days before the agency determined that CB Richard Ellis Group (CBRE) - the commercial real estate firm that her husband Richard Blum heads as board chairman - had won the competitive bidding for a contract to sell foreclosed properties that FDIC had inherited from failed banks.
About the same time of the contract award, Mr. Blum’s private investment firm reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission that it and related affiliates had purchased more than 10 million new shares in CBRE. The shares were purchased for the going price of $3.77; CBRE’s stock closed Monday at $5.14.
Spokesmen for the FDIC, Mrs. Feinstein and Mr. Blum’s firm told The Times that there was no connection between the legislation and the contract signed Nov. 13, and that the couple didn’t even know about CBRE’s business with FDIC until after it was awarded.
Senate ethics rules state that members must avoid conflicts of interest as well as “even the appearance of a conflict of interest.” Some ethics analysts question whether Mrs. Feinstein ran afoul of the latter provision, creating the appearance that she was rewarding the agency that had just hired her husband’s firm.
“This clearly gives the appearance of a conflict of interest,” said Kent Cooper, a former federal regulator who specializes in government ethics and disclosures. “To maintain the people’s trust in government, it is incumbent on a legislator to take the extra steps necessary to ensure that when she introduces any legislation that it does not cause people to question her motives or the business activities of her spouse.”
Mrs. Feinstein and Mr. Blum, a wealthy investment banker, are a power couple in both Washington and California who sat behind President Obama during his inauguration in January. Mrs. Feinstein also is mentioned as a candidate for California governor.
The FDIC contract “highlights the problem of a senator with a spouse who has extensive business interests that intersect frequently with the federal government,” said Melanie Sloan, executive director of the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). “Even if there is no actual conflict of interest, it often has the appearance of a conflict.”

2007 Feinstein
Senator exits MILCON following Metro exposé, vet-care scandal
SEN. Dianne Feinstein has resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee. As previously and extensively reviewed in these pages, Feinstein was chairperson and ranking member of MILCON for six years, during which time she had a conflict of interest due to her husband Richard C. Blum's ownership of two major defense contractors, who were awarded billions of dollars for military construction projects approved by Feinstein.
As MILCON leader, Feinstein relished the details of military construction, even micromanaging one project at the level of its sewer design. She regularly took junkets to military bases around the world to inspect construction projects, some of which were contracted to her husband's companies, Perini Corp. and URS Corp.
San Real Estate
Moving to the Bay Area just became easy. Let San show you all the homes currently for sale.
San Real Estate
Relocating to San Jose or Silicon Valley? Let San introduce you to some expert area real estate agents.
Perhaps she resigned from MILCON because she could not take the heat generated by Metro's expose of her ethics (which was partially funded by the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute). Or was her work on the subcommittee finished because Blum divested ownership of his military construction and advanced weapons manufacturing firms in late 2005?
The MILCON subcommittee is not only in charge of supervising military construction, it also oversees "quality of life" issues for veterans, which includes building housing for military families and operating hospitals and clinics for wounded soldiers. Perhaps Feinstein is trying to disassociate herself from MILCON's incredible failure to provide decent medical care for wounded soldiers.
Two years ago, before the Washington Post became belatedly involved, the online magazine exposed the horrors of deficient medical care for Iraq war veterans. While leading MILCON, Feinstein had ample warning of the medical-care meltdown. But she was not proactive on veteran's affairs.
Feinstein abandoned MILCON as her ethical problems were surfacing in the media, and as it was becoming clear that her subcommittee left grievously wounded veterans to rot while her family was profiting from the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. It turns out that Blum also holds large investments in companies that were selling medical equipment and supplies and real estate leases—often without the benefit of competitive bidding—to the Department of Veterans Affairs, even as the system of medical care for veterans collapsed on his wife's watch.
As of December 2006, according to SEC filings and, three corporations in which Blum's financial entities own a total of $1 billion in stock won considerable favor from the budgets of the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs:
Boston Scientific Corporation: $17.8 million for medical equipment and supplies; 85 percent of contracts awarded without benefit of competition.
Kinetic Concepts Inc.: $12 million, medical equipment and supplies; 28 percent noncompetitively awarded.
CB Richard Ellis: The Blum-controlled international real estate firm holds congressionally funded contracts to lease office space to the Department of Veterans Affairs. It also is involved in redeveloping military bases turned over to the private sector.
You would think that, considering all the money Feinstein's family has pocketed by waging global warfare while ignoring the plight of wounded American soldiers, she would show a smidgeon of shame and resign from the entire Senate, not just a subcommittee. Conversely, you'd think she might stick around MILCON to try and fix the medical-care disaster she helped to engineer for the vets who were suckered into fighting her and Bush's panoply of unjust wars.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Will a case against the company kill shareholder lawsuits at the Supreme Court?

Europe's Largest Oil Refinery Catches On Fire, Happens To Be In Russia

Vice News Debuts, and Anchors Need Not Apply

(Update) Anchor for Russia-funded news channel denounces Ukraine invasion

The Corvette Museum Sinkhole Was A Hoax Says Very Sane Internet Man

Punish Russia? Why some Pentagon officials would prefer restraint.

Did A Decade Old Russian Flight Sim Predict The Invasion Of Crimea? Probably

Top UK official involved in national porn filter arrested for child porn

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Charles Krauthammer: ‘The Ukrainians – and I Think Everybody – Are Shocked by the Weakness of Obama’s Statements’

Obama Administration Concerned if Colleges Making Students Career Ready

New FBI boss says cyber crime, not terrorism, is top of Feds' todo list

Great Video on How government Incentives mess up Family and business (There is no free market)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to ditch Comcast Cable???

Comcast to buy Time Warner. This may be a reason to allow them to merge. It would provide another competitor to ATT and Verizon.

So the news of Comcast and Time Warner merger is very interesting. I think people do not realize that these two companies are struggling to compete against the major phone network companies. We are seeing a large growth in Fiber Optics with higher speeds. So Comcast and Time Warner have struggled to provide the new capacity for Fiber or speed of Fiber. This has led to a decline in these companies status and overall stranglehold on TV and Internet.

What we are seeing is Verizon and ATT making headway into these regions because of the phone voice network they have been building for year. I would argue that Comcast and Time Warner would have to merge to stay relevant.

There have been several deals in the past where Comcast and Time Warner have swapped service areas so that they can stop legislation from wrecking their businesses.

I think we need to be even more concerned of what will replace these two providers. I would argue that the Merger should be allowed.

I saw a map on that shows the coverage area. It would be interesting to see how this map compares to ATT or Verizon who now offer Fios and Uverse in several areas. They are providing major competition.

Interesting Map of the Merger of Comcast and Time Warner.

Map of ATT Cell coverage
AT&T expands U-verse service in Atlanta, Georgia
AT&T Looking To Expand U-verse Service Areas
AT&T U-verse Service Expands to More Than 500,000 Living Units Across Sacramento

Map of Verizon Cell coverage.

A major factor that I see is that by separating coverage areas and only providing services to some neighborhood where other providers already service. As CEO I would immediately try and get my service into competing areas. This would lead to technology improvements etc.

It is just a sign of the times that these two will merge only to be taken over by one of the two major phone companies.

This article is my own personal opinion. Please give this some thought.

ATT Uverse Customers Having Growth Significanly

Verizon expands FiOS TV service in New York, Virginia

Verizon Seeks to Expand Availability of FiOS TV Service in North Texas

EU looks to reduce reliance on bank lending

Greece on high alert after extremists declare war on ‘German capitalist machine’

COMWARNER, COMCASTIME, Comcast Corp to merge with Time Warner Cable in MONSTER $45bn deal

Connecticut is full of criminal. Tens of thousands of Connecticut residents refuse to register guns under new law.

So if you are one of the thousands of people who refused to register your gun. You are now labeled as a criminal.

Would this boost the viewership numbers? Rare gold split on Day 5 of Sochi Olympics

Nuclear fusion breakthrough: US scientists make crucial step to limitless power

Venezuela coup? Gunfire, clashes as 3 dead in violent Caracas protest (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Climate models robustly predicted the opposite of what has caused the record cold US weather

Ice level raises 7" for ever before global warming?

Anti-drone activist kidnapped in Pakistan before he was due to testify in Europe, lawyer claims

Comments German Automakers Return ADAC Awards After Evidence of Rigged Votes

Action Star Steven Seagal Weighs In on Sochi's Security
2:30 Plan for immigrants

​There were once plans for nuclear-powered planes

Is this a warning for Nuclear planes again?

Why the World is Preparing for a Reset

US Diplomat push for specific Ukraine politicians. Embarrassed after diplomatic Fuck the EU statement.

U.S. Violates Nuclear Arms Treaty - Tests B-61 Nuke, Russia violates treaty

Bill Clinton's long history of sexual violence (The 30 years of rape you won't find in My Life)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Watch firefighter get detained by cops for parking firetruck at accident

French journalist "hacks" govt by inputting correct URL, later fined $4,000+

French far-right group rallies against FEMEN (VIDEO)

Gunman in Russian cathedral kills two, wounds six

Barclays launches probe into theft of 27,000 customer profiles

Iran Says Warships Headed Close to U.S. Borders

Dashcam Video Shows Uniformed Officer Standing by as Off-Duty Officer Begs for Help Trying to Resuscitate Crash Victims

Two Sisters of Iowa State Rep. Found Dead of Apparent Gunshot Wounds

Freedom and Justice still lives in Texas

‘How dare they?’ local anchor asks of Coke ad critics

Man Responsible For Olympic Ring Mishap Found Dead In Sochi

Payments experts assure Senate that swipe-and-sign cards will disappear in 2015

Friday, February 7, 2014

NBC Reporter's Story of Getting Hacked in Russia Is BS, Experts Say

So it's real then.

Google Tops Exxon Mobil to Become World's 2nd Most Valuable Company

'Lesbian' Duo tATu Performs at Winter Olympics Opener

Promo begins for Clooney (The Real-Life Monument Men: How American Scholars Went to War For Art)

Want to Avoid the NSA? Use a Cell Phone (I don't think so)

Democrats try to reinstate net neutrality rules struck down by court

Turks bid farewell to the Internet in the face of brutal censorship/surveillance law

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Money 'draws young recruits to al-Shabab'

Michelle Obama to promote ‘Obamacare’ in Ryan Seacrest interview

Jury Nullification.1670-William Penn Is "railroaded" In Court!

Russian Bank Halts All Cash Withdrawals

HSBC Bank on Verge of Collapse: Second Major Banking Crash Imminent

New York Times Suffers Redaction Failure, Exposes Name Of NSA Agent And Targeted Network In Uploaded PDF

This is obviously some kind of hit or outing by the government since we know that they vetted articles by the Guardian and New York Times. So the Times is not at fault. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Toyota trying to ensure the new generation of Teenagers can drive.

Mall shootings a marketing opportunity for unique, fascinating store

Davos 2014: Elite are Launching Global Internet Governance

‘The Last Round You’ll Ever Need’: The Awesome New Bullet Billed as a ‘One-Shot Manstopper’

Is this a sign of liquidity issue in the markets?

Is Google building SKYNET? Ad kingpin buys AI firm DeepMind

Big Brother or your mother?

Former aide to Sen. Lamar Alexander Suicided

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Vital infrastructure a cyber-terrorism timebomb EU warns

A Closer Look at the Target Malware, Part II

DHS Alerts Contractors to Bank Data Theft

The power grid is starting to look more like the internet and that’s a good thing

On Money

I can't seem to find the original document However they all list So this must be an add to use

Russia behind Hacks

to save you time. No report found.

Google Chrome Has a Bug That Lets Any Site Eavesdrop On You

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Glenn Greenwald appears on Bill Maher (who calls Edward Snowden "totally batsh*t")

Leaked: environmental chapter of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty

Proof the the Freedom of INformation group is just a CIA front?

HEADWATER: NSA program for sabotaging Huawei routers over the Internet

US Department of Defense's public domain archive to be privatized, locked up for ten years

Deriving cryptographic keys by listening to CPUs' "coil whine"

TPP THis would be great for the US. We could bring in cars from Europe without any issues.

Good debate on Feminism. Huffington Post took out the knifes.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

As part of budget deal, Congress blocks light bulb efficiency standards

Replica villages. A Plan to destroy the west?

Are replica buildings in other parts of the world create by China so that they can wipe out Europe and the USA and claim they never existed?

Are the French Still Blasé About Presidential Sex?

Slate wants you to Sue Chris Christie so Hillary can win How to Sue Over the Christie Bridge Scandal and Win

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


US moves closer to letting banks into pot business

Niagara freezes

Genius Amazon Ad campaign.

Desperate attempt to get some attention for Soche Olympic Games

Bob Costas Incites Backlash After Comparing Olympic Sport to 'Jackass'

Driblet’s Smart Water Meter Wants To Track Your Home Water Usage