Monday, October 12, 2015

Tech Companies and Encryption
Does Adobe deny the backdoors exist?

Adobe has not built ‘backdoors’ for any government—foreign or domestic—into our products or services. All government requests for user data need to come through the front door (i.e., by serving valid legal process upon the appropriate Adobe legal department). Adobe vigorously opposes legislation in the US and overseas that would in any way weaken the security of our products or our users’ privacy protections.

Saturday, October 3, 2015 ?? Every shooting is an act of Terror AKA Terrorism.

What a crap article. To say that more people are dead by shootings than act of terrorism is stupidity. The two are mutually exclusive. Everyone who is shot is terrorized by the incident. The Family are terrorized. What kind of logic is this.

Just plane stupid.

Just like Black live matter. So does that mean that I don't matter, or your latino neighbor, or the Chinese Kid playing on the street. EVERY LIFE MATTERS, this includes Black People. Stop murdering each other. LOVE on another.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Will someone please shut Bill up

Mi5 pays UK muslim to spy on other muslims.

ISIS has a Kill List for the US

Police will shoot you in car chase now.

Electronic Records mangate is exposing records in the cloud.

White House tech advisor dies in bike accident

Friday, September 18, 2015

Emmy's Leaked???

2015 Emmy predictions
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Programming to vote for Trump?;eyJ0b3RhbCI6MzQ0NSwidHlwZSI6InRhZyIsImlkIjoxMn0

Exon Knew and they didn't tell us? Shock

Rugby Video looking for the LGBBT but can't quite say it says person in a blue onzy.
Also why the pitchfork.

Here is the original in full.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Another explosion in China at Chemical factory.

So is this another insurance scam, or is it possible that because China is not buying US Bonds and this is retaliation? Something to wonder

Friday, May 1, 2015

Penguins Meting the Arctic Circle. Kill all Penguins.

So this is an interesting article. They much be melting off those large chunks.

Too many penguins not enough poar bears.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Facebook puts pressure on China censorship to stop Like factories

So it seems like Facebook has put pressure on China to block likes, so that the factories in China cannot just like corporate pages. Or am I just reading too much into this.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Strippers business takes a hit in China.

I love the entrepreneurial spirit in China. If your funeral party is small hire hookers/strippers. However once again the state is stepping in to tell us what we should and shouldn't do.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Beyonce with Horns. I thinks this was planned.

2 bodies pulled from New York East Village explosion rubble

Hit job?

We are making a difference to the Ozone layer, could be gone in 27 years?

As previously said. The Germanwings disaster is there to bring in changes for Saab auto landing system?
I love the idea of Airbus 320 having an issue, but I am still sticking with my plan. The airline industry has been pushing for this for 20+ years.

Updated: Yemen's capital is under attack. This is what it's like to live there, also Dozens dead after airstrikes on camp for displaced Yemenis

NSA Headquarters atacked. Or was a NSA agent trying to get home.

Ukrainian President Takes Delivery of First 10 Humvees Sent by the US

Friday, March 27, 2015

Not that I disagree with you Adam, but Top Gear was not giving Jeremy enough money.

Bill Gates: Time to make a 'war game' for infectious disease

Bill Gates wants to destroy the world with infectious diseases. Why else would you want to have a war game scenario.

Antarctica's ice melt has been accelerating in the last two decades

So more plancton and life due to more iron. 

Interesting article on Ice breaking off in Antartica.

Is this the road to no where from Alaska that Sarah Palin was talking about.

Paid advertising on Mashable

Yemen explodes.

New way for Adam to get a date

Monsantos person will not drink Roundup.

Hotel is hit by IsIs in Africa.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Oxytocin make you eat less, it it addictive.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Antiquities destroyed??? Or Sold never to be seen in public again.

We have seen several plays to deceive us. There have always been attempts to get artifacts for private collections. What better way to get some great works, than to say they have been destroyed and then show videos while pushing them out the back door.

Antivirus for your car is coming soon.

There have been a number of articles on how your car is going to be hijacked and controlled. Now we know why.

There is going to be antivirus for your car. You can drive around without protection, but should you.