Tuesday, June 25, 2013

An email I got from the Climate Reality Project. Obama plan for climate change

An email I got from The Climate Reality Project:

The Climate Reality Project applauds President Obama's leadership in providing a plan to mitigate the major contributing factors to climate change.
Just as the global threat of terrorism united our country in the last decade, it is imperative that the American people rally behind the President in supporting these initiatives to dramatically reduce the 90 million tons of carbon pollution that is dumped into our atmosphere each day -- pollution that has already cost this nation hundreds of billions of dollars in direct costs to our businesses, our homes, and our way of life.
The three main planks of President Obama's plan -- reducing carbon emissions, providing international leadership, and preparing the United States for climate-related disasters -- are critical steps forward domestically and abroad. The President's plan makes clear that a clean energy future, the performance of the American economy, and the protection of our planet are mutually reinforcing. Fortunately, the solutions and technology are already at our disposal, and the President's plan will create the enabling environment to bring these solutions to scale.
Fortunately, the solutions and technology are already at our disposal, and the President's plan will create the enabling environment to bring these solutions to scale.
Victoria Simarano
The Climate Reality Project

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