Monday, June 17, 2013

Is the NSA leak just a push for the rest of the world to start a War with the USA?

It seems that a lot of the articles of late push for the US to be the 'BAD Actor" in the world with the need to push back on the USA. So this may still be in play. see the interview on

7:00 Opposition is useful, Bashing the US government. State must use International law to stop hostility.
13:00 the US talks about USA using force in Iran.
16:39 External enemy united nation. No external threats so that the US can protect itself.
20:00 America was largest human purge in History???
20:40 Slavery is engraved in the hearts of the people.
21:03 Stalin wouldn't have used a Nuclear bomb. He could have in 1942 or 43.
21:30 US dropped a bomb on the Japan so they are bad people.

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